
FUE Hair transplant is becoming day by day, a very serious and a successful industry. After crossing the age of 50 years, both men and women, have the tendency of losing hairs. The reasons can be many, though no specific reasoning for this is clear yet. With the non stop growth of the population, percentage of baldness has also increased, and as a result, FUE clinic are also growing in numbers. When there is sudden growth, it’s pretty difficult to differentiate between facts and myths.

Let’s unleash some of the common myths related with FUE:

  1. There is a very common myth amongst all of us, that women don’t yield good results from FUE. Whereas the fact of the matter is, if carefully chosen, ladies can also achieve good results. This theory is true to the extent that evolving baldness in females is even more extensive than the males.
  2. Another myth doing the rounds is that the hair starts growing immediately after the surgery. On the contrary, fact is that after 3 weeks of surgery, most of the external hair falls and only the root grows. Final results are visible only after a period of 4-8 months.
  3. Hair can be normally combed, colored or styled after the initial period of best FUE hair transplant is over. It can be treated in the similar manner, as it used to be, before the surgery. Whereas the myth amongst people is that, after the surgery period, hair requires life long care. This could be easily discussed before the surgery, in any FUE clinic.
  4. After a couple of days of the surgery, you can normally wash your hair with a shampoo. To avoid any infection, the head area needs to be cleaned regularly. To use a good shampoo, would be the best option for your scalp. Whereas the myth amongst people is that, you should never wash your hair after the transplant.
  5. People commonly discuss the amount of pain, during the surgery. This is another myth associated with FUE in Punjab. Actually local anesthesia is used during the surgery, which makes the surgery literally painless. Sometimes little amount of pain is involved, which can be easily tolerated. For extra precaution, during the surgery, added benefit of monitored sedative injection is also provided. This results in further lowering the pain.
  6. After a certain age, hair transplant can’t be performed, this is another myth. Fact of the matter is, exact age for the surgery to be performed, is very hard to define. Usually 25-35 years is considered as the ideal age. Some rare cases are there at earlier ages too. This happens due to hereditary problem of extreme baldness. If even after the best FUE hair transplant in Punjab, hair still falls, then a repeat transplant is performed.

These were the basic myths, related with FUE, which needed to be unleashed.

Stages of Baldness in people | Hair fall in men & women

TIPS in Chandigarh offers premium FUE in Punjab. With a combined experience of 3 decades, hair transplant surgeons at TIPS offer best in class services and results to all their patients.

To know more about the factors that need to be considered before opting for FUE hair transplant check out this blog.