Hair removal, tattoo removal or stretch mark removal using Lasers is really wise

Though the Laser Hair Removal & procedure has existed for a long time, fairly this is new for many Indians. Not much are aware of its benefits.

Unwanted hair is a problem for both men and women. Frequent visits to a parlor, repeated painful sessions of waxing, shaving, tweezing are often taxing and undoubtedly take a toll on your precious time as well as money on a somewhat regular basis. In addition to this, temporary methods of hair removal often leave you with nicks, burns, rashes, and bumps. The necessity to seek an efficient solution to hair removal needs has led to the popularity of Laser Hair Removal. TIPS appreciate that you are more self-aware, taking care of your bodies, and wanting to look good.

Not only women, lots of men and teenagers are also seeking Laser Hair Removal to enrich their appearances and be free of regular hair shaving or plucking, or painful waxing. TIPS’s laser hair removal is a non-intrusive laser hair decrease treatment which is explicitly intended to eliminate undesirable hair forever from all pieces of the body.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

This technique uses a beam of highly concentrated light that penetrates the hair follicles. The light gets absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and works effectively to destroy the hair within. It is one of the most common procedures to remove unwanted hair on the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, chin, etc.

Can Laser Hair removal treatment remove hair permanently?

Is hair removal treatment Permanent or Temporary Fix? 

To put it plainly, no. Laser hair removal works by warming the hair follicles to prevent new hairs from developing. This places the hair follicles in a condition of inactive for a significant stretch of time — longer than with shaving and waxing. At the point when the hairs do develop back, they’ll be lighter, finer, and less in number.

In spite of the fact that the methodology is regularly promoted as a type of “perpetual” hair removal, laser treatment just diminishes the quantity of undesirable hairs in a given region. It doesn’t dispose of undesirable hairs totally.

As per the research, this hair removal alternative will in general work best in individuals with fair complexion tones and more obscure hair. Additionally, for best outcomes, the American Association of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that a board-certified dermatologist ought to perform the procedure.

What are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

  • It helps to significantly hold back the growth of hair that in return reduces the frequency of shaving/waxing or tweezing
  • It does not cause any discoloration, scarring, or bumps like other conventional methods of hair removal.
  • The procedure enables the patients to have softer and smoother skin
  • It’s an affordable option with long-term benefits
  • Getting rid of the undesirable hair can take 6 sessions or some more. Subsequently, laser hair removal is long-lasting in many areas of the body

Different laser wavelengths are used to work on different types of skin. Sometimes a combination of laser is used to achieve efficacious results in laser cosmetic surgery.


What is Laser Tattoo Removal?


Laser Hair Removal in India | Laser Tattoo Removal in India | Laser Stretch Mark Removal in Chandigarh, India | Laser Hair Removal cost in India

Studies reveal that nearly 50% of the people with some sort of tattoo; wish to get it erased at a later stage due to a multitude of reasons. Those who wish to get rid of their old or unwanted tattoos can seek great benefit from the laser tattoo removal technique. Laser tattoo removal is an effective method to get rid of different types of tattoo effectively. But the procedure necessitates multiple sessions depending upon the size, the area covered, and the colors of the tattoo.

What are the Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal?

  • Thanks to the laser technology (Q Switched laser), by opting for tattoo removal with laser, you seek the safest option as compared to traditional methods like dermabrasion or excision for removal of an unwanted tattoo.
  • It does not leave any apparent scars on the skin.
  • It’s a quicker way to get rid of a tattoo.
  • This surgery allows a customized solution to remove different types as well as
    size of tattoos.


What is Laser Stretch Mark Removal?

Stretch marks are the linear mark that can be seen on the skin of two types of people. One is women after delivering the baby and people who have lost a significant amount of weight quickly. Stretch marks can be effectively removed with the help of laser treatment. This technique is an excellent alternative to expensive anti-stretch mark products and also gives you the results you want. 

Laser stretch mark removal comprises of eliminating striae (stretch marks) through laser reemerging. It works by eliminating the external layer of skin to help rebuild the overlying skin.

During the process, light emissions are utilized in concentrated adds up to empower new development. While it can’t dispose of stretch stamps totally, laser expulsion may help make striae smoother, accordingly decreasing their appearance.

Two kinds of lasers are utilized for skin resurfacing treatment: ablative and non-ablative lasers. Ablative lasers (CO2, Erbium YAG) treat stretch checks by decimating the upper layer of skin. The recently produced skin tissues will be smoother in surface and appearance.

What are the benefits of Laser Stretch Mark Removal?

Opting for Laser Stretch Mark Removal will provide the following benefits to the patient:

  • The Fraxel laser technology utilizes smooth pulse delivery to help minimize the discomfort and/or pain if any.
  • It usually does not require any type of anesthesia.
  • Helps you get smoother and better-looking skin.
  • This treatment improves the skin tone and also the texture of the skin.
  • There is no real downtime involved. So one can go back to his/her routine in a matter of hours.
How much does the Laser treatment Cost?

Check our Pricing section for the cost of each treatments

Generally, there are other hidden costs along with the estimated charges. Your total cost also depend on:

  • anesthetics
  • consultations
  • lab costs
  • office fees
  • post-treatment pain medications (if required).

At TIPS – Chandigarh, we offer a wide scope of laser treatment for wrinkles, scarcely discernible differences and different indications of maturing. Extraordinarily intended to recover young skin and appreciate the genuine you. The most secure and powerful approach to eliminate your tattoo viably. With the assistance of worldwide standard laser innovation to eliminate your tattoo without leaving any scar. 

If you too are thinking about undergoing a laser treatment to address your problem, then TIPS is the right place to go to. TIPS, Chandigarh is the leading medical center specialized in Plastic surgery, Hair transplant, Laser Therapy and much more. Our highly experienced plastic surgeons will guide you in the most appropriate way. In the hands of a board-certified plastic surgeons, laser treatment or any other plastic surgery can safely be treated.

And we assure you that, all communications between you and TIPS will be confidential.